The problem arrived when we have no option to copy the image on vEDGE and we need to upgrade the Image with the help of USB drive for this process we need to follow below steps as they require to enable the usb-controller first and reboot to make USB detect on vEDGE.
On the Vedge type the following commands:
conf t
After applying the above commands we need to proceed further to reboot the Vedge so that this change make effect.
Once the vEdge comes back type the following command
file list /media
This tells you which directory the Image is in (in my case it was sda1) it can be sdb1 or sdc1 etc.
dev/sda - The first SCSI disk SCSI ID address-wise
dev/sdb - The second SCSI disk address-wise
dev/sdc - The Third SCSI disk SCSI ID address-wise
Type the following command
request software install-image /media/sda1/viptela-
request software activate
after apply above command it ask for proceed - yes to confirm and reboot vEdge.
Now after vEDGE come up validate the image upgrade
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